About us

Reception Hours

The Agency welcomes visitors from among citizens, their representatives as well as representatives of bodies corporate in its premises at:

 Minsk City, Pavla Shpilevskogo Street, 54 


Reception hours of the senior staff:

  Director General first Tuesday of each month
Svetlana Leha, Deputy Director General, Banking Affairs third Tuesday of each month

Senior staff members of the Agency are available from 8.00 CET to 17.00 CET

Lunch break from 13.00 CET to 13.30 CET

Pursuant to the Law ‘On Addresses and Appeals of Citizens and Bodies Corporate’ citizens as well as individual entrepreneurs, legal persons and their proxies seeking an appointment shall have to produce their ID and such other supporting documents in corroboration of their powers to act on behalf of their trusters.

Advance registration for an appointment is not available.