
For banks

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 8, 2008 No. 369-Z “On guaranteed compensation of bank deposits (deposits) of individuals" the Supervisory Board of the “Agency of Deposits Compensation” has established on May 26, 2022 the base rates of calendar fees for bank deposits (deposits) of individuals in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency paid by banks to the Agency's reserve:
the base standard rate is 0,3 percent of the bank's calculation base;
the base reduced rate is 0,15 percent of the bank's calculation base.

On 26th of August, 2022 the Supervisory Board of the ADC established additional rates of calendar fees paid by banks to Agency reserve for deposits in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency depending on the level of risk taken by banks during their activities:

First risk group – 0,05 % of the bank’s calculation base

Second level group – 0,1 % of the bank’ calculation base

Third level group -  0,15 % of the bank calculation base.

Banking Department contact number + 375 17 377 13 38.

Requisite details for the payments of the fees
Recipient of payment: ADC
Location: 220067, Pavla Shpilevskogo 54, the City of Minsk
Tax Number 191088248
Bank: The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus,
Currency Account number
BYN BY49 NBRB 3812 2246 1600 3000 0000
EUR BY08 NBRB 3812 2246 1605 1000 0000
USD BY75 NBRB 3812 2246 1605 3000 0000